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Virtua Fighter 2 PC - Debug options (WIP page)

I have a modified exe that I found long time ago (I didn't make it) which enables a debug menu, and the "documentation" is my description of each option that appears on it. Also, you can download it if you want on the button below.






Virtua Fighter 2 Debug Mode documentation

Modo deBug (Debug Mode)
The first 2 rows that appear on the menu are only some kind of message, as they do nothing at all when activated (Can't even be activated), and won't be mentioned.

  Puts the game on windowed mode, and also screws the graphics, making     them appear on the left side and on black and white. Not sure if it's intended   for another kind of graphic card/computer.

--draw normal
  Doesn't seem to work, at it exits the game without confirmation normally and   it crashes the game (VF2 stopped working) on GDI mode.

   Chooses between different screen modes. This option can be used on     Screen Mode.

  Sets the game to Interlaced mode, and automatically sets the BG level to    Mid if it's set to high. This option can be accessed normally on the Screen    Mode option (as Interlace).

--Floor Tex
  Swaps the floor texture between High and Simple if High was choosen when   this option is activated and swaps the floor texture between Low and Simple   if Low or Simple was set when this option is activated. The High/Low/Simple   texture floor names refer to the option on Screen Mode that allows you to   change the texture floor quality.

--Bkg Type
  Seems to be related with the background, but doesn't do anything, as the     background doesn't change and the background will stay on the same   option you left it when you activate this.

---Auto Adjust
---Sync Draw
---Full Draw
---1/2 Draw
---1/3 Draw
    They are framerate options, and can be used normally on the Screen Mode     option.

 Lets you choose on what stage you want to fight. (Not the starting position)
 This option can be accessed normally on the Screen Mode option.

--Vida DANGER (Danger health)
--Vida MEDIA (Half health)
--Vida FULL (Full health)
   It sets the health of the Player 1 side (Human or CPU) on Danger (Sets the    bar empty enough for one-hit KO), on half the full bar or Full.

 The same submenus and functions as above, but for Player 2.

-Tiempo (Time)
--Time Over! (0.01 seconds)
--2 segs (2 seconds)
--30 segs (30 seconds)
--99 segs (99 seconds)
   Sets the time of the round to the chosen option. (In case of Time Over, 0.01    seconds is a instant Timeout.)

 No idea what this one does.

 Makes the characters look like kids (or Big heads).

 Display both match fighters on the lower corner of their side. There can be   some glitches, like things like Jacky hair not appearing properly on the   display, and some  expressions appearing sorta glitched/weird in the   display when hit (Like Lion) if Model 2 characters are active, seemingly there  not being any glitchy expresions on Normal characters.

 Since the PC version  was sorta based on the Saturn version, it must mostly   have mainly tested the normal models, and due to not being used much on   them, having some little glitches when using it on Model 2 characters.

-Controlar la Camara (C) (Control the camera)
  Allows you to control the camera, but disables player controls meanwhile    active (CPU still can move and attack)
 *Supr makes the camera go left
 *AvPag makes the camera go right
 *Inicio makes the camera go up
 *End makes the camera go down
 *The arrow keys can make the camera turn left or right and go foward or     backwards.

-Controlar CPU (K) (Control the CPU)
 If you are playing as Player 1 against a CPU, it will allow Player 2 to control  the CPU and viceversa if Player 2 is playing VS a CPU, it will allow Player 1  to control it. Seems to do nothing when two players fight normally
 (Player VS  Player, which then there is no CPU to control).

This page was created by TheArcadeStriker and made on

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